Event Publishing Criteria | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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Event Publishing Criteria 

Guidelines for All Event Submissions

  • COST: It's FREE! There is no cost to list events in Seven Days.
  • DEADLINES: Noon on the Thursday prior to the Wednesday of publication. Dates vary prior to Thanksgiving, Christmas and 4th of July.

    If your event starts on a...
    • Wednesday, your deadline is (6) days prior.
    • Thursday, your deadline is (7) days prior.
    • Friday, your deadline is (8) days prior.
    • Saturday, your deadline is (9) days prior.
    • Sunday, your deadline is (10) days prior.
    • Monday, your deadline is (11) days prior.
    • Tuesday, your deadline is (12) days prior.
  • POSTING DATE:If approved, your submission will be published online at least a week or two before the event occurs (depending on when you submit it) and in the newspaper the week before it occurs.
  • RECURRING EVENTS: If all dates are listed in your initial event submission, it is not necessary to re-submit listings each week for the duration of the series.
  • CONTENT: Seven Days reserves the right to rewrite and edit all listings for style and space. Our editors read, edit and vet each submission to meet the section’s criteria and associated deadlines.

NOTE: This event submission form is for events only. Use the classifieds form to submit postings for class listings, support groups and volunteer requests.

Art Shows and Art Events

Art listings are restricted to exhibits in truly public places; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the editor.

Club Dates

The club dates section includes music, karaoke, open mic, comedy and other events held in nightclubs, bars, restaurants or cafés. For events happening in venues other than these, please submit your information to the "calendar" section (see below).


Classes, workshops and seminars that are free or donation-based with no suggested dollar amount may be listed in our free calendar section. With some exceptions described below, all other classes will qualify for listings in our classes section.

Unlike calendar listings, there is a small charge for class listings, but they offer more space and more control over wording. Classes can be placed and paid for through our self-serve classifieds site at classifieds.sevendaysvt.com. If you have any questions, or would like for us to post your listing for you, please contact us at classes@sevendaysvt.com.

Classes qualify for free calendar listings if...

  • They are free or donations are accepted with no suggested amount;
  • There is a cost or suggested donation of $25 or less and 100% of proceeds are being donated to a cause; or
  • They are included with regular admission to a museum or other destination.

Classes qualify for paid listings in the classes section if…

  • There is a cost or specific suggested monetary donation (i.e. Suggested donation $10-15);
  • There is a cost or suggested donation with the condition that no one is turned away;
  • There is a cost or suggested donation but the class is free for members (i.e. $10-15; free for members); or
  • There is a cost or suggested donation and partial proceeds are being donated to a cause

Calendar (All Other Community Events)

All other event types not listed above may be published in our calendar/events section. We will however, not publish the below events:

  • Real estate open houses
  • Religious services
  • Retail sales/specials
  • Donation drop-offs
  • Camps

Paid Advertising Options

If you are interested in purchasing advertising for any event, regardless of the above criteria, please contact an account executive for details.

Selling Tickets for Your Event?


Seven Days Tickets is a self-service ticketing platform that combines the features you need to run a successful event with local promotion that sells more tickets.

  • Online events, webinars and classes
  • Food and Music Festivals
  • Fundraisers
  • Arts Events
  • Concerts, Plays and Shows
  • Conferences and Workshops

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